
Swanson partner logo
As Director of Consumer Sales and Marketing at Swanson Vineyards, I was responsible for tasting room staff and experience, wine club, online sales, social media, events, and overall leadership + outside-the-box thinking. I loved working with the family to develop new and creative events (Artisans & Acrobats), labels (Modern House […]

Swanson Vineyards

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Located in the small town of St Helena, California, this Catholic Montessori school wanted to get with the modern age and integrate a new website with a school management platform, email list manager, and donation/auction tracking software. We worked with them to identify the best tool for their needs (Sycamore) […]

St. Helena Montessori

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LA-based entrepreneurs Marco and Bere Giannini had an ambitious goal of providing free local delivery (or curbside pickup) to customers who live within a specific radius from one of their 14 SoCal healthy pet food stores. This required building a website which can determine the customers location, the nearest stores location, […]

The Naked Dog

Since 2009, I have been a volunteer, consultant, Marketing Chair, Board Member and overall world’s biggest fan of the Napa Valley Vine Trail. Now is an exciting time, as more and more of the trail is becoming available to actually get out and use. When I started we were selling […]

Napa Valley Vine Trail

My dear friends Ellie and Aurelien had the courage to purchase some forgotten land in Napa to pursue their dreams. They planted vines, and developed a business around excess capacity utilization (custom crush), while also providing a home for their new brand of wines, ElevenEleven. I worked with them on all […]

ElevenEleven Winery

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    I am proud to be a member and active contributor to the St Helena Odd Fellows (Lodge 167). Our local lodge raises funds for high school scholarships, boy scouts, girl scouts/brownies, Rianda House, and other local charities. We rent the lodge and commercial kitchen for weddings, events, banquets and parties. […]

St Helena Odd Fellows